Monday 9 February 2009


(1) Which aspect of the planning stage did you find most valuable?
The aspect of the planning stage that i found most valuable was the storyboard. This was most helpful as it showed the group each shot of the film step by step that had to be shot and said what type of shot it had to be.
(2) What did you learn about camera work during the filming of your task?
Whilst filming the Prelim Task i learnt how to; set up the camera and use the camera to shoot the different shots we needed.
(3) How did the editing process contribute to your understanding of the construction of the media text?
The editing process contributed to my understanding of the construction of the media text in many ways. It showed me how to save what was filmed on the computer, cut scenes, put the scenes in the order of the storyboard and add special effects.
(4) How was your finished product seen by your peers?
The finished product was seen by the class on the school computers during our lesson.
(5) What technical aspects of your finished product are you most pleased with and why?
The technical aspects of my finished product that i am most please with is how the shots that we planned on the storyboard came out how we wanted them to, all the panning, zooming and close ups went smoothly.
(6) What aspects would you change or improve? How might you go about this?
The aspects that i would improve on the Prelim Task would be how the scenes cut to each other, they didnt run into each other smoothly so it didnt look as good.

Maria Carter

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